Tuesday 17 September 2019

How to choose the perfect tactical police torch

Have you ever asked yourself why a tactical torch is called tactical? Well, it is because the tactical torch’s main job is to aide tactical forces and one of the most popular uses for a tactical torch is the police force!

In this day and age, tactical torches are not only used as police torches but also by regular people. However one of the most popular markets for a tactical torch is the police, military, hikers, etc.

So why does a police officer need his police torch to be a tactical torch? When you’re in the police force, your tactical torch needs to be of high-quality, plus it needs to be durable and easy to use under stressful situations.

What are the most important features when it comes to choosing the perfect tactical police torch?

Lumens – A police torch needs to be bright! Why? Because police officers need to spot criminals, assist in search and rescue missions and even potentially blind an attacker.

Beams – A police torch needs to have a high beam throw. If they are doing a general patrol then they won’t need the beam distance to be very far, however, if they are in a rural place, possibly searching a field, etc. they will need the beam distance on their police torch to be fairly far.

Battery – Police officers have long shifts, so they’ll need their police torch to last, especially if they do not have access to a charger.

Durable – A police officer has a dangerous job, so their police torch needs to able to resist possible impacts as well as not get damaged during tussles, different weather situations and being dropped from heights.

Size – A police torch needs to be the correct weight, not too heavy, as a police officer often has a lot of other items that he needs to carry with him on the job. Just because it is conveniently sized doesn’t mean it can’t be a powerful police torch! Take a look at the range on www.klaruslight.co.za

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