You may be thinking, why is it so important
for me to carry around a flashlight when I could just use the one on my phone?
Well, your phone’s flashlight may provide you with some illumination, but a
high-quality tactical flashlight can provide you with so much more…

Here are 4 reasons why it is vital that all
women should carry a flashlight with them:
1. Situational Awareness
There is crime everywhere, no matter where
you live, so it is always safer to brighten your path at night, especially as
you walk to your front door or your car. A reliable tactical flashlight (
will keep your aware of your surroundings where you are walking on campus,
taking a night jog or walking in a parking garage.
2. Self-Defence
Experts all agree that a tactical
flashlight is a great tool to protect yourself from potential attackers. Women
may be seen as an easy target, a powerful flashlight, can stun and harm someone
allowing a safe escape. Another plus is
that you do not need a permit and there are no laws against carrying a
3. Emergency Tool
Emergency situations happen to all of us,
this is why it is vital that you have a tactical flashlight on hand that offers
a range of helpful features such as an emergency SOS mode or strobe. Carry your
flashlight with you in your handbag or car and you’ll be able to use it as a
helpful tool during an emergency. Note: Keep fresh batteries in your emergency
4. Every Day Use
A flashlight can be used as a device to
keep you safe, however it is also very useful for simple everyday tasks such as
taking the dog for a walk, going on a hiking trip, searching in your purse for something
and finding that tiny hairclip you dropped on the floor.

A reliable tactical flashlight is a
convenient, easy-to-carry tool that you can keep in your handbag, on your
keychain and even in your pocket. Looking for an affordable, but stylish
flashlight? Take a look at the Klarus Mi7 as well as the other wide range of
flashlights available HERE from Klarus!