When using a tactical flashlight it can be
frustrating as well as dangerous to have to wait a few seconds for your night
vision to readjust again.

So what is the best colour to use with your
tactical flashlight to preserve night vision?
Well, the answer is tricky because it
For many years, all tactical flashlight owners
believed that red light was the best colour to utilize in order to preserve
their night vision (That’s why our vehicle’s tail lights are red in colour).
However just because red light is used in dark rooms when developing film, and
it is seen as a good preserver of your night vision, doesn’t mean it is as
unquestionable as people once thought.
The part of our eye that allows us to see
in low lighting are called the rods. The rods are apparently not as sensitive
to the colour red as they are to other colours, meaning that red light can be
seen when using a tactical flashlight without giving up night vision. This
theory is logical, but it actually doesn’t work like that.
The fact is that no matter the colour that
is being used on the tactical flashlight – blue, red or green – the chemical in
the eye that allows night vision to work is broken down immediately. The
problem when it comes to preserving night vision is not the colour of the tactical
flashlight, but instead the brightness of the light. The only way you can truly
maintain your night vision is to change the intensity of the tactical
flashlight’s beam.
But simply using your eyes instead of a
coloured tactical flashlight can have its issues, such as:
n You cannot see directly in front of you
n You cannot see colours
n It is difficult to see and recognize details
What is the answer to preserve your night
vision when using your tactical flashlight? You need a flashlight that is able
to add coloured filters as well as change to different lighting modes.
Visit the Klarus website and take a look at
the range of different tactical flashlights on offer. Many allow you to alter
the intensity of the flashlight beam as well as add optional coloured filters.
Klarus Light designs and manufactures
some of the most exciting, practical and innovative LED torches on the planet
with ultra-high Lumen output.