Many tactical flashlight owners wish to
know what light is best to preserve their night vision. They don’t want to give
away their position at all times, but simply using their lights means pausing
to allow their night vision to recover before moving on.
So, what colour light affects your night
vision the least? Well, the answer is: It depends.
Let’s look at the science behind this answer…
For years, red was thought to be the very
best light for the preservation of night vision. In fact, our car taillights
are red for that very reason. This decision was made largely based on the
fact that red lights were used in darkrooms to develop film.
However, there is science behind red light
being a good preserver of night vision – if not quite as conclusive as once
The rods – the portion of the human eye
that allows us to see in low light – are not as sensitive to light in the red
portion of the colour spectrum as they are to others. So, it follows that red cones
– the portion of the eye that sees the colour red – could pick up red light
without sacrificing night vision.
It’s a logical conclusion, but it doesn’t quite work
that way.
Regardless of the colour used, whether it
is blue, red or green, the chemical in the eye that allows night vision –
rhodopsin – is quickly broken down. The issue rather than colour is brightness.
So, in order to preserve your night vision colour is less important than
But relying strictly on your night vision
has its drawbacks such as:
- Not being able to see directly in front
of the eye.
- Not being able to distinguish colour.
- Reduced detail recognition.

Fortunately, the Klarus XTQ1 can offer you
that capability. By adding the colour filters you can cycle through white,
green, red and blue. Allowing you to alter the intensity – the most important
aspect to retaining night vision.
Klarus Light designs and manufactures some
of the most exciting, practical and innovative LED torches on the planet with
ultra-high Lumen output.